Wednesday, December 16, 2009

whoa windows 7

This one will be short and sweet dangit.


Windows 7 is lookin frikin smooth on this new Dell INSPIRON the girl just got.

I've gotta find a way how to get myself a new computer so I can get my creative ball a rumblin and a rollin'

It just doesnt make a whole lotta sense to be tryin to make money online and through various artistic talents on a computer that was purchased in 1999.

I mean.... seriously.... Dell put together a serious system for me back then I suppose.

It is still workin.

Dell Optiplex tower with one of the first flat panel LCD's that they ever put on the market.

It has been good to me for the most part.

It is time to get a new one...


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Go Forth

Go Forth...
This is the new Levi's ad campaign.

Go Forth...
It should be a sort of inspiring ad--maybe to inspire the youth to "triumph after the recession" or some crap like that. Maybe that is how some could justify/translate this message. What do others see?

Go Forth...
What I see is myself. Myself STUCK in a spot where I DO NOT want to be. I do NOT want to wear a suit! I mean every once in a while to make my lady think I am lookin' all "professional" and whatnot...
I believe that since I had cousins spread far enough across the country, I was given a desire to travel at an early age. Something about a six hour plane flight MILES above our Earth's surface... I knew at an EARLY early age I would see all of it. Somehow.

Go Forth...
That is the hard part.
I am freakin' 26 years old with a job that requires I work AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to make enough money to pay my stupid bills. (YEP! I am whining).

Go Forth...
That is what I would like to say to the bill collectors. Tell them to get a life and stop coming to me every freakin' month. Every month. Geez. No life.

Go Forth...
How the hell can I go forth when I have no money to cover me while I am gone?

Go Forth...
I see this ad campaign as a way to immediately add burden to recession-stricken youth like myself.
Why the hell would I go buy new jeans for this voyage when I cannot afford to leave!?!?

GO FORTH!!!!....
In order to Go Forth, an extremely flexible career or money making opportunity must be made available for us to finance the Going FORTH... because what we need IS WEALTH.

REAL wealth is TIME. TIME equals what we need to Go Forth.
I hope and pray everyday...and I have since I was a young boy (not just since this ad campaign)... that I will find THAT career I seek.
I seek THE career that will take me to the ends of the earth or a career which gives me the opportunity to DROP everything and run like the YOUNG adult that I am. The lifestyle which gives me the ability to GO FORTH.

There is a sort of group of beliefs that I have developed in the last three years that really will keep me shooting in the same direction.

#1. Never work Sundays.
Sunday is a day of rest/assessment. I can gather my thoughts and plan out attacks for the week ahead.

#2. I have and WILL try my hardest to get friends together.
We are all young adults NOW, but we are growing old FAST and with age comes moves, marriages, babies, "lockdown" jobs, and plenty of other reasons for us to struggle to find our fellowship together.

When we (or I) hesitate, good ideas can become garbage in the brain's recycle bin. The last thing I want to happen? I will wake up one day on my eightieth birthday... I could be an old man/repository of unused ideas.

This thing always asks what's on your mind? Well... a lot is always on my mind. I am sure that most of us agree with that. Most consistently, I am constantly found questioning my direction. I have never regretted ANYTHING I have ever done, but I am definitely caught questioning... what is next?